Software Design Enthusiast And Engineer


Hello 👋, My name's Jonathan Havens and I live in Las Vegas, NV where I've not only grown up, but have also spent the majority of my life. I did spend my 20s traveling and living in other states - Oregon, California, Utah, and Texas - but ultimately found Vegas beckoning as these years came to an end. This is where all my closest family and friends are so I'm always happy to call it home whenever I'm back here again.

I currently write software and love to learn more every chance I get! I also love seeing friends and family, great storytelling, being around people who love what they do, and never taking the 'present' for granted.

Going back to my teenage years, a serious opiate addiction started taking root in my life and would ultimately end up lasting well into my 30s. But I'll skip all the unpleasant details of that, which I'm very happy to be able to do, and just jump ahead to say that that's more than 8 years behind me now.

Ultimately, I've become very dedicated and passionate about my work and I don't shy away from being honest about my mistakes. I make it a point to be as open and honest as I can about deadlines, expectations, and my own abilities in general. If I can't do something, I'll say so. If I'm well versed in something, I'll say so. I view questions as a sign of strength, not weakness. And I may not always give the correct answer when asked, but I'll always give an honest one.